Speciality 8.18010007 Ukrainoznavstvo
• Qualification that is assigned
Master. Professor of Ukrainoznavstvo
•Level of qualification: Master
• Special requirements for admission:
There are no special requirements for admission; students’ enrolment is held according to general admission rules.
• Special provisions for recognition of previous education (formal, informal, unofficial): do not have
Profile of the program
Students of master’s degree of Ukrainoznavstvo prepared for pedagogical, academic, educational, scientific, methodical, organizational and management activities in the education system according to the received specialty.
Students of master’s degree are working in higher educational institutions of III-IV level of accreditation, in education, training, scientific, methodical establishments and government agencies, on enterprises, in public organizations.
Government agencies and organizations provide the necessary conditions for the use of professors of disciplines of Ukrainoznavstvo cycle in complete accordance to qualification and specialty that they have received.
Specialist of Ukrainoznavstvo is able to provide: versatile development of socially active, humanistic directed personality of student; give students information about the system of special knowledge and skills needed in future profesional work, continuing of education in the system of continuous education; getting knowledge about the ideas and methods of professional education and its role in cognition of reality.
A characteristic feature of the training program of the specialty “Ukrainoznavstvo” the University is focus on the formation of students of high morality, culture, intelligence, professional competence, creative pedagogical thinking, and the ability to conduct research on the problems of professional education.
A general amount of the curriculum is 60 credits of ECTS, including cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic preparation – 9 cr., Natural Sciences and Mathematics – 4,25 cr., professional and practical preparation – 46,75 cr.
• Main outcomes of education:
Students gain a thorough knowledge of the humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, the natural sciences and professionally-oriented courses, the teaching of which is oriented to the possibility of practical use of theoretical knowledge.
Student of master’s degree must:
• the content and organization of education in professional school, programs and textbooks, the formation and leadership of various groups of students, requirements for the safety, organization of the educational process;
• modern forms, methods and techniques of training and didactic opportunities; main trends and prospects of updating and development of national education and pedagogy; methods for collecting, organizing, summarizing and use of information, research and methodological work on specialty, preparing informational and training teaching materials;
• basics of fundamental disciplines;
• basics of the disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle (Pedagogy, Psychology);
• general engineering disciplines (Informatics, Business Economics, etc.);
• special disciplines of the specialty, such as the history and theory of Ukrainoznavstvo, folklore, theory and practice of Ukrainoznavstvo, methods of training Ukrainoznavstvo in higher education, etc;
• history of their nation, the foundations of national culture and art, have a need in constant improvement and enrichment;
• history and contemporary research of philosophical thought, the fundamentals of political science, economics and other humanities disciplines, including foreign languages and so on.
be able to:
• obtain the acquired knowledge in the field of professional pedagogy, psychology and methodology of professional education in solving pedagogical, educational and scientific, methodological tasks taking into account age and individual, typological characteristics of students, social psychological specifics of student groups and specific pedagogical situations;
• analyze the social and economic phenomena and processes of society from a position of moral principles and human ideals;
• think logically and defend their views and beliefs;
• have developed organizational and educational skills;
• freely use an official language, correctly orally and in writing express the opinions;
• organize educational and pedagogical work, to determine the extent and depth of mastering program material by students, instil in them the basic skills of independent studying;
• use various methods and forms of education, modern educational technologies, and progressive methods of management training of labor, artistic and creative activity of students;
• use of educational and laboratory equipment, technical means of training and modern computer technology;
• identify individual characteristics of students, to conduct individual work with them, to develop their ability influence the formation of human relations in society, lay the foundation for a humane outlook;
• analyze, synthesize and disseminate best teaching experience, systematically improve their professional qualifications, use rational methods of search, selection and use of information oriented in special literature, to make scientific, research and methodological activities;
• use in practice knowledge of scientific organization of labor protection;
• use the achievements of modern folklore, ethnology, Ukrainoznavstvo to carry out analysis of the preliminary scientific literature of the specialty;
• use the latest achievements of philological science in their research;
• choose independently, analyze and review the professional literature;
• conduct independent scientific work and to make out its results, select the material for research, to use adequate methods and techniques of its analysis;
• identify a particular literary phenomenon in the historical and stylistic aspects;
• analyze texts/discourses make out scientific discourse;
• build effective, constructive conversation on any topic, have a controversial art, culture of constructive dialogue and polylogue, have an ethics of orator;
• identify features of specifics of performances and rhetorical texts from the treasury of Ukrainian Art
• analyze trends in the development of European scientific thought;
• analyze the history of creation and formation of Ukrainoznavstvo, stages of and trends of its development;
• plan their creative activity;
• have skills of writing scientific, literary criticism, publicist works, creating epic, lyric, dramatic genres.
• Professional profiles of graduates with examples
Objects of activity of students of master’s degree in “Ukrainoznavstvo” are the educational institutions of III – IV level of accreditation, research institutes, centers, laboratories, educational institutions of different types, education management bodies.
• Professional profile – professor of Ukrainoznavstvo
A specialist in the field of higher education is able to occupy posts provided by typical lists of positions for substitution them by specialists with higher education in state and public organizations.
• Access to further study
Students of master’s degree of specialty “Ukrainoznavstvo” can continue their education in postgraduate school.
• Regulations on the examination, assessment and marks
Temporal provision about knowledge evaluation and ranking of students in credit-modular system of educational process.
• Requirements for graduation.
Completed curriculum of the 60 credits, a successful defense of master’s work at a meeting of the State Examination Commission.
• Form of study
• Program Director or corresponding public servant
Dean of the Department of Ukrainian Philology – Valentina O. Koval, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.
Structural-logical scheme of educational qualification of “Master degree” 8.18010007 Ukrainoznavstvo
DVF History of Country Study of Ukraine
DVF Ukrainian children’s folklore
DVS The semantics of Ukrainian embroidery
DVS Ukrainian Decorative Folk Art
OND Civil protection and Labour Protection in branch
OND Methods of teaching Ukrainian Background in higher school
OND Philosophy and Sociology of Education
OND Theory and methods of Ukrainian Background scientific research