Bachelor degree
Direction of training 6.020303 Philology. Ukrainian language and literature
• Qualification that is assigned
teacher of Ukrainian language and literature
• •Level of qualification:
Bachelor (first cycle of higher education).
• Special requirements for admission:
There are no special requirements for admission; students’ enrolment is held according to general admission rules.
• Special provisions for recognition of previous education (formal, informal, unofficial):
do not have.
Profile of the program
Students obtain the necessary knowledge in the branch of philology. Bachelor is preparing work as junior specialist in the branch of education, system of education and organizational work, to hold a post for substitution of specialists with basic higher education in state and public organizations.
Experts are able to trace the dynamics of public attitudes, interests, needs, social and personal priorities of the population; establish specifics and trends of public opinion, representatives of the region or specific groups compared with the position of Ukraine’s population as a whole; determine the real state of social well-being of citizens, the level of their readiness to participate in social and political life of the region and the country; set the level of public satisfaction or conflict of certain social groups, and therefore predict the prospects and progress of social processes.
A characteristic feature of the professional training program of the specialty “Philology” in Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is focused on the formation of a scientific outlook, the ability to implement educational – cognitive activity and to use achieved knowledge in practical professional activity, to master languages and related specialties.
The total volume of the curriculum is 240 ECTS credits, incl .: modules of humanitarian and socio-economic cycle – 29 cr. modules of natural and mathematical preparation – 7 cr., modules of professional and practical training – 204 cr.
• Key results of teaching
1. Knowledge of subject area
• Having an adequate level of training, wide erudition, high culture, bachelor in the sphere of Ukrainian Philology should combine deep theoretical training in the disciplines of humanitarian cycle, practical skills, constantly expand their knowledge.
• Bachelor must know the origin of the Ukrainian language in its typological interrelation with other languages, its history and tendencies of development. Possess knowledge of Ukrainian literature and folklore in their historical development and present state combined with social history and the history of Ukrainian culture.
The basic ideas about:
modern methodology of scientific research in the branch of philology; theory and methodology of philological sciences; methodology and sources of philological analysis to identify linguistic and literary concepts and philological study of certain philological processes, phenomena; main categories of pedagogy and psychology.
2. Cognitive abilities and skills in subject area
• Skills of abstract and concrete thinking, the ability for creative and productive work;
• Ability to evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of information from different sources;
• The skills in written and oral presentations of scientific and practical material;
• Ability and skills in using of communication technologies in their future careers.
3. Practical skills in subject area
Using Ukrainian language in its literary form and dialect diversity; ability to analyze language in its historical development and contemporary state, using system of the basic terms and concepts of general linguistics; orientation in main stages of the history of the science of language and problems of modern linguistics. Awareness of the laws of literary process, the artistic value of a literary work in its social and cultural relations, the definition of artistic identity of works and the writer in general. Using language basic methods of linguistic and literary analysis. The ability to edit Ukrainian texts of different styles. Ability to use philological knowledge in the process of teaching Ukrainian Language and Literature, World Literature in the respective types of secondary schools.
4. General abilities and skills
• Ability to take into account the processes of socio-political history of Ukraine, legal principles and ethical standards in the industrial and public, social and political activities.
• The ability to use scientific, reference and methodical literature in native and foreign languages.
• Master the technique of referencing texts.
• Master the skills of computer data processing.
• The methods of information search (including on the Internet).
• Master statistical methods of philological data processing.
• Ability to work with different types of text editors.
• The ability for self-learning and continuation of professional development.
• Communication skills including verbal and written communication in Ukrainian and at least one of the common European languages.
• Skills of interaction with others, the ability to work in teams of professionals in various fields.
• Ability to organize their own activities and effective time management.
• Professional profiles of graduates
• The objects of work of Bachelor for education and professional direction “Philology” are the implementation of educational, methodical and organizational activities in secondary schools and general education institutions to research work in the branch of philology.
• Professional profile – junior specialist in education system of organizational and educational work that occupy the post that provided by typical lists of positions for substitution them by specialists with basic higher education in state and public organizations.
• Access to further education
Bachelor in “Philology. «Ukrainian Language and Literature» can continue their education in the second cycle of higher education (level – Specialist and Master) on specialty«Philology. Ukrainian Language and Literature». Specialist – 5 years on the basis of general secondary education or 1 year of study at the bachelor degree; Master – 1.5 years of study based on the Bachelor degree or Specialist.
• Regulations on the examination, assessment and marks
Temporal provision about knowledge evaluation and ranking of students in credit-modular system of educational process.
• Requirements for graduation
Completed curriculum amount of 240 credits, successful passing State Exam or thesis defense at the session of the State Examination Commission.
• Form of study
• Program Director or corresponding public servant
Dean of the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology – Valentina O. Koval, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor.
DVF Age physiology and hygiene of school
DVF Business Ukrainian Language
DVF Historical grammar of Ukrainian Language
DVF Introduction to Linguistics
DVF Introduction to Literary Studies
DVF Methods of training foreign literature
DVF Methods of training Ukrainian language
DVF Methods of training Ukrainian literature
OND Foreign language (English, French, German)
OND History of Ukrainian Culture
OND History of Ukrainian Literature (second half of the XX century)
OND Occupational safety and labor protection
OND The modern Ukrainian literary language
Specialization: Ukrainoznavstvo
Specialization: Russian language
Specialization: Language and literature (English)
Specialization: Polish language
Specialization: Editing of educational publications
Specialization: Practical psychology